West Bengal Right to Public Service Act, 2013
The services of the Board (disposing of applications for Commercial Utilization of Bio-resources) comes under the purview of the West Bengal Right to Public Service Act, 2013 as notified by following notification.
Standard Operating Procedure for delivery of service (application for commercial utilization of bio-resources) :
- The applicant intending to access biological resources from West Bengal for commercial utilization shall have to apply in Form-I (or online application), along with a onetime Application fee of Rs. 5000/- (by demand draft or online payment system only) in favour of West Bengal Biodiversity Board, payable at Kolkata alongwith necessary prescribed documents (forms and checklist of supporting documents needed are available in the Board’s official website).
- After perusal of the submitted application by the designated officer of the Board, if the application is found to be correct and complete in all respect, an acknowledgement shall be issued to the applicant mentioning the due date of service to be provided. If the application is found incomplete and need some corrections, the applicant will be instructed to incorporate necessary modifications and resubmit it to the Board.
- The applications complete in all respect will be scrutinized by the Expert Committee on Commercial Utilization of Bio-resources constituted by the Board for further proceedings.
- If necessary, Expert Committee may call the applicant for a personal hearing at the office of the Board on a stipulated date.
- On the recommendation of the committee, the applicants (who are coming under the purview of Access and Benefit Sharing [ABS]) shall be requested to sign the ABS Agreement (as per the Guidelines on Access to Biological Resources and Associated Knowledge and Benefit Sharing Regulations, 2014). Where the applicant will not come under the purview of ABS, will be communicated accordingly.
- On signing of ABS Agreement and depositing the computed ABS amount (or depositing through online payment), a Certificate for Accessing Biological Resources (with regards to Schedule A of Agreement) will be issued.
Following are the format of acknowledgement and forms of appeal as per WBRTPS Act, 2013:
- Acknowledgement
- Form of appeal to the Appellate Officer (as per WBRTPS Act, 2013)
- Form of appeal to the reviewing Officer (as per WBRTPS Act, 2013)
- Guidelines on Access to Biological Resources and Associated Knowledge and Benefits Sharing Regulations, 2014.
Following are the documents required for Access to Bio- resources for Commercial Utilization:
- Form I- for application for access to biological resources and associated traditional knowledge [vide Rule 14 of Biological Diversity Rules, 2004]
- Required Documents - Checklist regarding submission of the application for grant of consent for access and commercial utilization of bioresources
- Form A -Information to be furnished for use of biological resources by the applicant (Self-disclosure)